Celebrate the feast of Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin


For the feast of Saints Louis and Zelie Martin, I present a cornucopia of different resources to learn, teach, and celebrate their lives and sanctity:

Books - gifts for the feast



"Called to be Saints," A two-minute video reflection on Louis and Zelie by Fr. Jim Kubicki, director of the Apostleship of Prayer in the United States

 The healing of little Carmen: the miracle which may make Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin canonized saints


a litany to Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin

a novena to Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin

a prayer to Louis and Zelie for spouses

Finally, many of the resources the site offers for Louis and Zelie can be seen at the pages below, which contain many beautiful films, photos, and articles.:

Their lives

Their beatification

Their pastoral significance