A souvenir made from the hair of Louis Martin after the custom of the time

Souvenir made from the hair of Zeile Martin, according to the custom of the time

Jewelry that belonged to Zelie Martin

bedroom furnishings of Louis and Zelie Martin

Zelie Martin's dressing-table; Louis and Zelie Martin's prie-Dieu

Zeile Martin's dressing table and toilet articles

Louis Martin's fishing gear

China belonging to the daughters

A souvenir made from the hair of Louis Martin after the custom of the time

Table set with china belonging to the Martin family

Celine Martin's painting of St. John of the Cross

Furnishings and china of the Martin family

The only surviving autograph letter of Zelie Martin, July 1877

Envelopes addressed by the Martin family

Martin family letter

Cookbook belonging to the family of Louis and Zelie Martin

Souvenirs of the childhood of St. Therese

Beads used by the Martin daughters to make jewelry

Prize won by Marie Martin, sister of St. Therese, at Visitation of Le Mans

Souvenirs of Pauline Martin, the sister of St. Therese

Souvenirs of Leonie Martin, the sister of St. Therese

Souvenirs of the girlhood of Celine Martin, the sister of St. Therese

Toys that belonged to the children of Louis and Zelie Martin

Toys that belonged to St. Therese and her sisters

Blocks, checkerboard, and other toys used by St. Therese and her sisters

St. Therese wore this dress as a child

The Martin family's toy bird

Louis Martin's traveling-bag; Therese used it as hand luggage going to Rome

Louis Martin's books and watch

The seal Louis Martin used at Lisieux

China ornaments belonging to the Martin family

Mantelpiece, clock, mirror, and candlesticks of Louis and Zelie Marti

China and crystal belonging to the family of Louis and Zelie Martin

A table set with china belonging to St. Therese's family

St. Jacques Church, Lisieux, site of the exposition about Louis and Zelie Martin

Photographs of St. Therese's family, servants, friends, Lisieux, 2008

Portraits of Louis and Zelie Martin with their statue of Our Lady of Victories

The Martin family dining table

The five-franc coin Louis Martin kept as a souvenir of St. Therese's birth

The watch of Louis Martin, the watchmaker

Dress worn by St. Therese as a child

Photos and items belonging to Louis and Zelie Martin's family

Replica of Louis and Zelie Martin's statue of the "Virgin of the Smile"

Wardrobe belonging to Louis and Zelie Martin

Souvenirs of St. Therese's childhood

Souvenirs of Leonie Martin and Celine Martin

Portfolio and souvenirs of Leonie Martin

Souvenirs of Pauline Martin, the sister of St. Therese
A copy of "Gulliver's Travels" belonging to the family of Louis and Zelie Martin


Tea set Louis Martin brought back from Constantinople in 1885










A dinner plate from Lousi and Zelie Martin's china set



The portrait of Pauline Martin at the age of ten

