Therese’s message of “ecclesial childhood”

This has come about not only because of their being related but even more because of the young Carmelite’s message. Thérèse has spoken to the world about “ecclesial—church--childhood.” It seems better to use this expression than the more traditional one, “spiritual childhood.” Why? Because the former expression better expresses the childhood of the whole Church that is born--baptized by means of Christ—and which is destined for Him, as was the Blessed Virgin Mary, immaculately conceived—as well as the childhood of the individual Christian soul, formed by our Heavenly Father and eternally destined for His Divine Son, Who became human out of love for us.

Now the “little Thérèse” understood and experienced this doctrine (“ecclesial childhood”) within her family and her childhood, a childhood lived out and enjoyed within a deep sacramental life.  Her Story of a Soul (the title of the autobiography which made her known to the  whole world) is, for the most part, a collection of her childhood memories. And it is amazing how, with regard to these memories, even today—with varying degrees of sensitivity—theologians, spiritual authors, novelists, directors, and psychoanalysts--all inquire in the attempt to coax out a secret that continues to fascinate them. And so, because of this fascination for their daughter Thérèse, Louis and Zélie Martin have also been studied thousands and thousands of times, often in destructive, irreverent ways. The Church, on the other hand, has decided to recognize the sanctity not only of the daughter but also of the parents as well.


Therese’s message of “ecclesial childhood”

This has come about not only because of their being related but even more because of the young Carmelite’s message. Thérèse has spoken to the world about “ecclesial—church--childhood.” It seems better to use this expression than the more traditional one, “spiritual childhood.” Why? Because the former expression better expresses the childhood of the whole Church that is born--baptized by means of Christ—and which is destined for Him, as was the Blessed Virgin Mary, immaculately conceived—as well as the childhood of the individual Christian soul, formed by our Heavenly Father and eternally destined for His Divine Son, Who became human out of love for us.