Televised live, an historic program at Alencon to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the beatification of Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin


Icon by Paul Orlando for the Parish of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel in Trieste, Italy. Displayed on "Saint Therese of Lisieux: A Gateway" with permission of Fr. Antonio Sangalli, O.C.D.
On Saturday, October 18, at 2:30 p.m. Eastern  Standard Time (8:30 p.m. in France), the diocese of Sees will broadcast  live online the program "Toward Canonization," which is being held in  the Basilica of Notre-Dame at Alencon, where Louis and  Zelie were married and Therese was baptized. Watch it on the WebTV channel of the diocese of Sees..

The program is to  celebrate the fifth anniversary of the beatification of Louis and Zelie  Martin.

  • Bishop Hacques Habert, bishop of Seez, will introduce it.

  • Mgr  Bernard Lagoutte, former rector of the basilica of St. Therese at  Lisieux, will review the progress of the cause of the canonization of  Zelie and Louis.

  •  Walter and Adele Schiliro, the parents of the child  Pietro whose healing at the intercession of Louis and Zelie Martin was  accepted as the miracle for their beatification, and Dr. Paterlini, a  medical expert on Pietro's case, give their testimony.  Find out all  that you've always wanted to know about what a canonization is, what a  miracle is, but have never had the occasion to ask.

The program is in  French, but I believe it will excite persons of all languages. Please watch it at 

I remember so vividly, five years ago this evening, being present at that very basilica in Alencon at the Pontifical Mass on the vigil of the Mass for the beatification of Louis and Zelie Martin at Lisieux. 

If you missed the live broadcast, please watch the video: